Solar Eclipse - April 8
Posted on 04/03/2024

On April 8, Manitoba will experience an approximate 50 percent occlusion eclipse between noon and 3 pm.  Although this is an exciting event, there is a risk of permanent vision damage if the eclipse is viewed without appropriate precautions.

For reasons of safety, we will be adjusting our day on April 8, as follows: 

  • All students will go outside for the lunch recess from 11:40-12:10 and eat their lunch indoors from 12:10-12:35.
  • Students will have an indoor afternoon recess.
  • Classrooms located on the south and west side of the building will have their blinds closed for the afternoon.
  • If your child goes home for lunch, please take precautions to ensure your child can leave and arrive at school safely.  It is important that your child does not look at the sun without approved protective eye wear.  This would also apply to afternoon Kindergarten students. 

GVSD Solar Eclipse Safety on April 8