Throughout this week, our kindergarten class has been buzzing with excitement as they immersed themselves in Valentine's Day activities. We kicked off the week with crafting Valentine's Day art, making handmade cards, and decorating personalized Valentine's bags.
To complement our theme, we engaged in read alouds such as "The Best Thing About Valentines" by Eleanor Hudson, "Franklin’s Valentines" by Paulette Bourgis, "I AM LOVE: A Book of Compassion" by Susan Verde, and more. These books not only enriched our minds and led to discussions of love and compassion.
In our dramatic play center, the post office took center stage, along with a bustling class mailbox, becoming hubs of creative expression. The children embraced the joy of writing and sending Valentine's letters and cards to their fellow classmates, friends, and family members. This engaging activity not only honed their communication skills but also served as a heartfelt gesture, spreading love beyond our classroom.
Letter writing emerged as a powerful tool for fostering kindness and encouragement. As our students wrote their heartfelt messages, they illuminated the importance of caring for one another. The shared experience of sending and receiving these expressions of love not only filled our hearts but also added to the collective warmth in our classroom, creating a sense of unity and kindness that resonates far beyond Valentine's Day.